Whitney and Ryan have been a family of three for three months now (well really family of four-can't forget pearl) and I think they have it down. Two thumbs up to you both! Miss A is beautiful and precious:)
Leave them some love in the comment section below to let them know just how cute their lil' ruffle butt is!
At almost five years old Miss Emilee thoroughly impressed me in just a short 30 minutes. From counting to singing, she reminded me how much I love to see kids just being themselves. As a former educator, my favorite part of the school year was always the "All About Me" project at the beginning. I loved to see each child get excited about a moment to share their awesomeness.
Well boy did she nail that!!!
I now know her favorite song, movie, foods and what she would like to be when she grows up. It was an absolute delight to work with her and as I would say in the classroom, "Thank you for sharing!"
I would love to hear from you!! Feel free to leave your comment below. 20 comments will earn Miss Emilee 2 FREE 5x7 prints!